Ask us anything about your business
42 provides unparalleled product intelligence in fast, dynamic, visual reports. You’ll wonder what you did before us; and whatever that was, you won’t miss it.
A user-friendly platform for everyone on your team
Retail decision makers can find answers to their questions, faster and easier than ever before.
42 helps you see your
business better
Even the most simple transaction contains dozens of data points. As your business becomes more complex — more people, systems, inventory, sales channels, stores and SKUs — it’s increasingly difficult to keep information clean. 42’s data infrastructure brings clarity, simplicity and truth to your reporting, providing accurate metrics in real time.

Setup is fast and easy. You'll provide 42 access to your data sources, and our engineers will do the rest. 42 can integrate with virtually any data source, internal or external.
Unify & clean!
Our fully-customizable dashboard is designed to let you dive deep into your sales & inventory data. 42 offers built-in retail metrics, visualizations, NRF calendars, multiple product or store hierarchies, currencies, and much more! Plus, we’ll define metrics & how you want to account for them, building in custom KPIs unique to your business.
Ask 42 anything about your business — zoom out or drill down, we have the answers, visualized. With accurate, real-time data for your executives, merchandisers, sales team, and store managers, you can spend less time on spreadsheets... and more time growing your business. Plus, automate your flash reports!
It’s a better way to run reports — and your business as a whole
Stop struggling with endless Excel spreadsheets and baffling technical tools. 42 is the faster, easier way to find answers, even for complicated questions.
Before 42
Working with manual Excel formulas and data errors
Handling multiple data systems that don't connect
Managing complicated IT projects and infrastructure
Not speaking the same language with other departments
With 42
Save hundreds of hours with accurate, standardized data
Integrate common systems and custom data sources
User-friendly, so everyone can run their own reports, easily
Use a tool you will actually enjoy
We’re your trusted partner in growth
Over 100 retail-specific metrics are included in the 42 dashboard, and we can add more to fit your specific business needs.
With 42, you get a partner who's committed to the same goal you are — helping you build a thriving retail brand.